Meet the Team
Get to know our committee members who give their time, energy and expertise for the love of the park

Sian Ellis-Thomas
I trained as a graphic designer and have had a very varied career in business management, marketing and sales. I now run a small website design business. Together with Lesley Powell, I ran the Residents Against the Mast campaign, to avert a 72ft telecoms mast being placed in Redcatch Park. Hurrah, we won!
I lived in Bristol during the early 80s and returned in November '21 after 36 years living in London. I use the park every day with my husband Steve and my grumpy pug Rachel.
What I love about the park
I love the general vibe and friendliness of all the users and of course the Community Garden, which is the undisputed jewel in the crown.

Lesley Powell
Vice Chair/Secretary/Director
In my professional life I was a building surveyor, managing diverse health care construction projects across the UK, so there's not much about building, planning and managing projects that I don't know. I love being outdoors and have lived locally all my life so, in retirement I really wanted to
give something back to my community, hence volunteering for the Northern Slopes, RCG, where I'm a director, the RAM campaign and now FORP.
What I love about the park
Since the pandemic I've been very involved with the Community Garden and it's really turned into a love affair with the whole park

Sandra Stancliffe
I’ve lived just a few seconds from Redcatch Park for the last 22 years with my husband Chris and our two nearly grown up children. I can still be found in the park most day walking Mollie, our border terrier. In my day job I work for Historic England as their Head Of Education.
I also paint as a hobby and love painting our park!
What I love about the park
I love having Redcatch Park right on my doorstep. I find being in a greenspace, even in the city, is very helpful when I've had a hectic day.
Naomi Rogalska
Book Keeper/Committee
My background is Hospitality & Catering where I ended up in Accounts due to my love of numbers and problem solving, and now I work as a Financial Controller. My passions are my two daughters, but I also love animals, murder mysteries, puzzle games and of course good food, courtesy of my chef husband, Sebastien Brochot.
What I love about the park
The park has been part of our lives since we moved to Knowle, it's great to have such a vibrant place just on our doorstep

Teresa Henstridge
Committee Member
In my professional life I worked with volunteers for a section of the American Red Cross before moving to the UK. I am currently in charge of the three ring circus I call raising children, some of us with extra needs. I like to cook, read, swim and play games (board, online, console) with my partner and children.
I LOVE my little corner of the world and our community here in Knowle. I have been active in the community since joining FORP when my oldest was still toddling about.
What I love about the park
I love the park for the playground. Even when it's raining, the kids can climb a tree or splash in puddles. It is one of our happy places.

Ben Skingly
Committee Member
I'm a designer specialising in branding. I love the sound of rain, music, outdoors, pictures, words ideas, funny people and serious convocations. I'm also partial to things with wheels that are powered by humans. Most of all I love my little family who have stolen all my time to enjoy everything previously mentioned!
I supported the Residents Against the Mast campaign using my photographic and creative skill to help raise awareness about the campaign
What I love about the park
It’s where I can go to see the seasons, get a breather from home life, create memories with my children, enjoy the community and eat great food at the Community Garden

Mike Alden BEM
Committee Member
I'm a proud Knowle Wester and have spent the last 12 years building and running The Park Knowle Football Club, a family operation which relies completely on volunteers. The club provides lots of opportunity for children, adults and disabled people to get involved in sport.
Although the club is based at Knowle Park, We use the pitches at Redcatch Park whenever we can. We’re pleased to work with FORP to improve the park for football and fitness in the community
What I love about the park
The park and the Community Garden are brilliant places for the community to come together.

Claudia Collins
Committee Member
I live in Knowle West. I previously worked for the Filwood Fantastic project and now work for Knowle West Alliance as Community Communications Facilitator. I volunteer at the RCG and it was me in the Marshall from Paw Patrol costume at the Residents Against The Mast campaign's Bark in the
Park event (but don't tell the kids). I run a social enterprise called Brislexic, which celebrates neurodiverse thinking skills and makes creative products.
What I love about the park
I love that Redcatch Park brings people together from many 'areawls' of Bristol.

Lucy Joy James
Committee Member/Fundraiser
In my day-to-day work, I head up fundraising and communications for an international maternal and child health charity. Outside of work I'm normally found in lycra/neoprene - running, swimming, anything involving water! I live in Knowle, having moved to Bristol two years ago
and I'm really enjoying getting to know the area and the community here (and sharing conspiratorial nods with other runners on their lap sessions of the park.)
What I love about the park
Redcatch is my lunchtime escape when I work from home - I love taking a turn around the park and people watching with a coffee (from the Community Garden, of course).