Who we are
We are a group of local residents who volunteer our time and expertise to help our beloved park grow and improve. Bristol has over 400 parks and green spaces and in these days of increased budget pressures, the council and parks department just cannot afford to do all the maintenance and implement all the improvements needed to keep them up to scratch. It's the same story throughout the UK.
All parks depend on Friends Groups like us, to protect and maintain the parks we love.

Bristol has over 400 parks and green spaces

What we do
We collaborate with Bristol Parks department and other local groups and volunteers to instigate and organise ideas, projects and events in the park to improve the facilities for recreation, sport and play and to protect and encourage wildlife. We apply for any available grants to help fund and maintain our efforts. We have an elected committee of volunteer park users that manages the group for the good of the park.
How you can help
Helping is easy. There are several ways you can get involved.
Become a Friend today for less than a penny a day. Your financial contribution will directly help us run the organisation which means more initiatives, more events, more maintenance and a better park for all. You can also volunteer for our activities be they green maintenance, painting a bench or helping with a community event.
If you want to give a donation or make a bequeathment to the park, you can do that too. Or if you just want to know what's going on you can join the mailing list.