Our Projects & Events
Here's a list of our planned initiatives, it will change over time as we get things done and add more. If you'd like to get involved then we'd love to have you. You can volunteer here
New Branding & Website Relaunch
Since we relaunched FORP on 6th September 2022, we've been very busy
We had to prioritise our efforts on the relaunch since September as there was so much to do to put us in a position where we can actively move forward with the group.
CIC Registration
New committee in place
New branding​
New website
Online annual Friend subscription platform
FORP information leaflet
Meetings with all Redcatch Quarter vested parties​
Meetings with key Bristol Parks personnel
Park User Survey initiated and results shared
Comments on BCC Portal for RQ Development
Nomination of Mike Alden for BBC Unsung Hero 2022
Nomination of Mike Alden for Lord Mayor's Medal 2023
Playground and Exercise Survey initiated and shared
Green Maintenance
We run regular maintenance days to help bring some of the beds and borders back up to scratch
If you're interested in helping us with some basic maintenance, chopping, weeding etc then please sign up to volunteer and let us know which date you can join us. We'll get back to you to confirm when and where you can lend a hand. There will be full supervision and a health and safety briefing. Or just drop us a message via the contact page
Green Maintenance
We run regular maintenance days to help bring some of the beds and borders back up to scratch
If you're interested in helping us with some basic maintenance, chopping, weeding etc then please sign up to volunteer and let us know which date you can join us. We'll get back to you to confirm when and where you can lend a hand. There will be full supervision and a health and safety briefing. Or just drop us a message via the contact page
Redcatch Balloon Launch
The Redcatch Balloon Launch was a resounding success. With two out of four balloons finally taking off it was an edge-of-the seat climax to the most wonderful community day in the park. Thanks to all the amazing volunteers that stepped up to help us who gave up their own time to help keep everyone safe.
It was such a brilliant day and a a great example that you can think big and aim high. We aimed high when we thought of doing this event in Redcatch Park and it was belief, grit and team work that brought it together.
The whole community turning up en masse to watch it, really was the icing on a balloon size cake!
Hopefully we'll be back, bigger and better next year.